ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES (Draft v0.2, 31 August 2023)
The role of the President is primarily to ensure the club sets and meets its goals and objectives, is administered according to the Club Rules and completes all legal and compliance obligations.
Key Roles & Responsibilities:
- Have a good working knowledge of the constitution, club rules and by laws, policies and procedures as well as the role of the committee
- Ensure compliance and legislative obligations are met and the club meets its health and safety requirement.
- All club activities are documented in operations manuals, policies and procedures with all sub committee roles clearly defined.
- Chair of meetings
- Facilitate discussion, maintain focus on agenda, and ensure fully informed decision-making
- Communicating to stakeholders
- Act as a spokesperson for the club and represent it locally, regionally and nationally as required
- Regularly liaise with sub committees to ensure they receive assistance and support as required and that said committee report to executive committee regularly.
- Act in the best interest of the members at all times
- Attend all Committee meetings
- Undertake the role in good faith and honesty
- Bring the Vice President up to speed: Share knowledge and wisdom on the sport of bowling, running a club, club processes and contacts at other clubs.
- Previous committee experience
- Dedicated unbiased and impartial club person that is receptive to change
- Communicate effectively
- Supportive of all members
- Aware of the future direction and plans of the club
- Well organised
- Enthusiastic
- Able to work well with people
- Innovative thinker & receptive to new ideas
- Prepared to make a regular time commitment
- Friendly & outgoing
- Diplomatic
- Experienced with IT / computers / email
- Able to present and speak publicly
The role of the Secretary is to understand the Club Rules, By Laws, Policies and Procedures, legal and compliance obligations, and ensure the club is compliant. Responsible for collecting all the key club information created and used during the year and previous years.
Roles & Responsibilities:
- Take minutes/notes of each committee and general meeting and circulate them as required.
- Prepare and circulate according to the Club Rules, the notice convening the annual general meeting, ensuring all members are invited.
- If there are special resolutions to be considered at a general meeting, ensure the special notification requirements under the Club Rules are met.
- Handle all general club correspondence, responding to any correspondence as required
- Be the club’s main point of contact for general correspondence
- Maintain a register of the latest version of all club documentation including but not limited to the Club Rules, all policies and procedures, by laws
- Co-ordinate training for the committee as required.
- Act in the best interest of the members at all times
- Attend all Committee members
- Undertake the role in good faith and honesty Knowledge and Skills Required
- Dedicated unbiased and impartial club person that is receptive to change
- Communicate effectively
- Supportive of all members
- Aware of the future direction of the club
- Well organised
- Eye for detail
- Able to work well with people
- Prepared to make a regular time commitment
- Friendly & outgoing
- Good with IT / computers / email
- Able to deal diplomatically with Member suggestions and complaints
- Bring the Asst. Sec. up to speed: Share knowledge and wisdom on the sport of bowling, running a club, club processes and contacts at other clubs.
The role of the treasurer is ensuring the committee is empowered to manage the financial affairs of the club. Responsible for ensuring the collection of all revenues due to the club and payment of the clubs financial obligations.
The treasurer must also ensure that all financial transactions are recorded in the club’s accounts, producing the club’s financial reports for presentation to the committee, the members at the AGM, and any external reporting obligations whilst complying to financial standards.
Roles & Responsibilities:
- Preparation of a club budget and cash flow projection at the start of the year for review and sign off by the committeeRecord all financial transactions in the clubs accounting system as well as maintaining a list of club assets and liabilities.
- Comparing actual financial results of a given period to budgets for the same period and provide explanations for any variances for the committee to review and take action in a timely manner
- Provide monthly Income and Expenditure report to the committee meeting each month
- Provide a list of revenues outstanding and payments to be made to the committee each committee meeting
- Implementing financial management procedures which protect both the club’s funds and assets
- Control the club bank account(s), ensuring only those authorised are bank account signatories
- Ensure all approved expenditure is paid as when it falls due
- Ensure all moneys due to the club are collected
- Where an audit or review is required ensure it is completed in time for the financial reports to be presented to members at the Annual General Meeting
- Undertake all legislatively required reporting and submissions
- Act in the interests of the club at all times
- Attend all Committee meetings
- Knowledge and Skills Required:
- Enthusiastic and well organised.
- Diligent with receipts and money.
- Ability to work in a logical and orderly manner.
- Honest and trustworthy.
- Financial accounting or book keeping experience preferred.
- Aware of future directions and plans of the club
- Able to work well with people and think innovatively
- Prepared to make a regular time commitment
- Good with IT / computers / email / accounting software / spreadsheets
- Able to present reports and findings at Committee meetings & AGM
- Bring the Asst. Treasurer up to speed: Share knowledge and wisdom on the sport of bowling, running a club, club processes and contacts at other clubs.
•Generate team spirit.
•Be a role model for all team members.
•Attend all team events.
•Be knowledgeable about bowls.
-Know the “Laws of the Game”
-Be aware of the rules for league and competition matches for respective associations.
•Know and support your team mates.
-Know the contact details for all the players in your squad.
-Make sure all squad members know your contact details.
-Inform the Club Secretary of any changes to squad members’ details.
-Know the contact details for the other Captains within the same league and the names
of their respective squad members.
-Notify the Club Secretary of the contact details of both you and the Vice Captain.
-Before the commencement of the season, ensure all squad members have a complete
fixture list.
-Make sure all the squad are made aware of fixture amendments in reasonable time.
•Appoint a Vice Captain and notify squad members accordingly.
•Be approachable.
•Be a team spokesman.
•Be a conduit between the club and team concerning team issues.
•Keep a record ofallteam players individual scores for the purpose of
calculating the season’s average in accordance with league rules.
Team Selection
•Ensure the strongest squad is selected from the players available, after
checking the availability of players available from other Captains’ squads.
•Maintain clear and regular communication with other Captains.
•Makeall squad membersaware of team selection for matches.
•Publicise team selections in the club house.
-Show clearly the details of the fixture including date, time and location.
•Notify the Club Secretary and the opposing team Captain if you cannot fulfil a
•Rearrange an unfulfilled fixture in agreement with the opposing captain in
accordance with league rules and notify the club secretary accordingly. Duties on Match Days
Before match starts
•Ensure that the Score Cards are fully prepared prior to the match.
•Perform the match draw with opposing Captain.
•Ensure that all SKBC players have paid Club membership, and Green Fees or payment per game played
•Check that the appropriate measuring equipment is readily available and that match jacks are legal.
•Ensure the entry to the green is clearly marked.
•Ensure that all club facilities are available, including refreshments.
After completion of the match
•Complete the results sheet.
-Make sure thefull names of all home and away players are clearly shown, and that it is signed by the opposing captain.
-When playing both home and away matches make sure that the score sheet is completed in line with league rules.
•Notify the league registrar of the result of the home match.
•Notify the webmaster of the result of all matches as season progresses.
•Notify the Club Secretary of any match abandonment.
•Notify the Club Secretary of any disputes arising during a match.
•Generate team spirit.
•Be a role model for all team members.
•Attend all team events.
•Be knowledgeable about bowls.
-Know the “Laws of the Game”
-Be aware of the rules for league and competition matches for respective associations.
•Know and support your team mates.
-Know the contact details for all the players in your squad.
-Make sure all squad members know your contact details.
-Inform the Club Secretary of any changes to squad members’ details.
-Know the contact details for the other Captains within the same league and the names
of their respective squad members.
-Notify the Club Secretary of the contact details of both you and the Vice Captain.
-Before the commencement of the season, ensure all squad members have a complete
fixture list.
-Make sure all the squad are made aware of fixture amendments in reasonable time.
•Appoint a Vice Captain and notify squad members accordingly.
•Be approachable.
•Be a team spokesman.
•Be a conduit between the club and team concerning team issues.
•Keep a record ofallteam players individual scores for the purpose of
calculating the season’s average in accordance with league rules.
Team Selection
•Ensure the strongest squad is selected from the players available, after
checking the availability of players available from other Captains’ squads.
•Maintain clear and regular communication with other Captains.
•Makeall squad membersaware of team selection for matches.
•Publicise team selections in the club house.
-Show clearly the details of the fixture including date, time and location.
•Notify the Club Secretary and the opposing team Captain if you cannot fulfil a
•Rearrange an unfulfilled fixture in agreement with the opposing captain in
accordance with league rules and notify the club secretary accordingly. Duties on Match Days
Before match starts
•Ensure that the Score Cards are fully prepared prior to the match.
•Perform the match draw with opposing Captain.
•Ensure that all SKBC players have paid Club membership, and Green Fees or payment per game played
•Check that the appropriate measuring equipment is readily available and that match jacks are legal.
•Ensure the entry to the green is clearly marked.
•Ensure that all club facilities are available, including refreshments.
After completion of the match
•Complete the results sheet.
-Make sure thefull names of all home and away players are clearly shown, and that it is signed by the opposing captain.
-When playing both home and away matches make sure that the score sheet is completed in line with league rules.
•Notify the league registrar of the result of the home match.
•Notify the webmaster of the result of all matches as season progresses.
•Notify the Club Secretary of any match abandonment.
•Notify the Club Secretary of any disputes arising during a match.
- Work alongside Captain
- Assist in the selection of relevant representative teams and undertake the duties and responsibilities of the Captain should the Captain become unavailable for any reason.
- Roles & Responsibilities
- Register teams for appropriate association ties
- Arrange and confirm matches with other clubs
- Produce a fixture list and communicate to all members
- Ensure all internal competitions are available to all members
- Organise draw for each competition, ensuring each round has time allocated to complete
- Submit results to development co-ordinator for publicising on social media
- Make decision on non-completion of tie, while conforming to club rules
- Update internal competition sheets with results
- Ensure all external competition results are provided to the association timeously
- Ability to select a team based on skills
- Ensure all friendly games and competition entry sheets are advertised and displayed in the club
- Approachable and friendly
- Communicate effectively
- Good with IT / computers / email
- Attention to detail and accuracy
- Enthusiastic
- Well organised.
- Able to work well with people
- Prepared to make a regular time commitment
- Friendly & outgoing
- Diplomatic
John to further define this role
- To display all borough and county competitions in date order, and submit them with payment to the relevant bodies in good time for the entrants to take part.
- Collect monies from members and pay entrants fees for the competitions in good time.
- Display the draws for the competitions in good time for members to know both the date, venue and start time.
- Assist with the help of both the secretary treasurer and chairman in the smooth running of all club, league and county competitions.
Could be combined with the Match/Comp Sec. role for now. If this role demands more time then it could be given to another club member full-time.
"Group 5" is one of eight groups that are part of the Essex County Bowling Association (ECBA).
Group 5 consists of 12 lawn bowls clubs which are:
- Aldersbrook B.C.
- Barley B.C.
- Central Park B.C.
- Clementswood B.C.
- Goodmayes B.C.
- Hainault B.C.
- Phoenix B.C.
- Plashet Park B.C.
- Seven Kings B.C.
- Wanstead B.C.
- Wanstead Central B.C.
- Woodford B.C.
- The Greenkeeper is responsible for ensuring the bowling green is well maintained. It includes the coordination of activities including liaison with local council and 3rd-party personnel who operate specialised machinery, construct and cultivate turf playing surfaces and irrigation systems, controlling weeds, pests and diseases.
- Preparing the green before matches and rollups
The role of the club committee member is to provide support to the Committee to ensure the club meets its goals and objectives.
Roles and Responsibilities:
- Have an understanding of the legal and compliance obligations of running the club
- Goals and objectives are documented with plans in place on how they will be achieved
- Assist the executive officers and other committee members as may be deemed necessary to carry out their duties for the club
- Attend regular committee meetings
- Be willing to take on roles and responsibilities as agreed with the committee
- Act in the best interest of the members at all times
- Attend all Committee meetings
- Undertake the role in good faith and honesty
- Dedicated club person
- Ability to provide calculated opinion in group discussions at committee meetings
- Outgoing personality
- Effective communicator
The role of the club development office is to promote the club within the community with the view to attracting members to the club. The role is varied in how this will be achieved, but ensuring the club is Active, Modern and Accessible to all in the local community will assist the club achieving this goal.
Roles & Responsibilities:
- Form relationships within the community with the goal of recruiting members to your club
- Create and implement member recruitment strategies
- Advertise and promote the membership opportunities of your club
- Take the lead in promoting the club in the local community
- Create marketing information which assist in the promotion of the club in the local community
- Updated club website or social media to reflect engagement opportunities at the club.
- Consider running a number of Try Bowls days inviting potential members to come and experience bowls but also to see what your clubs offers to the community.
- Co-ordinate any Try Bowls days including coaches, participants, equipment and catering
- Create and maintain a register of key relationships in recruitment (e.g. Schools, local groups or Bowls Scotland etc)
- Ensure the club is modern and able to adapt to changes in society to meet the needs of existing and potential members
- Create a development plan/strategy for the club to ensure long term stability and ultimately growth of the club in the community
- • A good understanding of where the club recruits its members traditionally
- Ability to form strong relationships with key stakeholders (e.g. Schools, local groups or Bowls Scotland)
- Is well organised
- Works well in a team environment
- Is well informed of all club activities
- Can communicate effectively
- Enjoys working with children