(Affiliated with Bowls England & Essex Bowling Association)
(Revised 2022)
The Club is to be called ‘the Seven Kings Bowling Club’ and is formed for the purpose of playing the game of bowls and providing such other forms of entertainment for members as may be decided. It shall be affiliated to Bowls England.
Membership of the Club shall be open to any person completing a membership application form and completing a satisfactory interview with two (two) officers of the Club. Applicants for membership shall pay the relevant subscription as determined by the AGM of the members.
The Club to comprise a gents’ section and a ladies’ section.
Membership will be limited to numbers as decided by the Management Committee from time to time.
Officers of the Club shall be from either the Ladies’ or Gents’ Section consisting of President, General Secretary and Treasurer elected at the Annual General Meeting.
The management of the Club shall be by a Management Committee consisting of the Officers together with the following from both Sections elected at the AGM: Captain, Vice-Captain, Match Secretary, Competition Secretary, Ladies’ Secretary, Group 5 and County Delegates plus two Committee members.
The Officers shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting. In the event of a vacancy occurring, the Management Committee shall be empowered to co-opt a member to fill that vacancy pending the next AGM. The Management Committee shall also have the power to co-opt members to any sub-Committee. A notice shall be exhibited at the pavilion for at least one month prior to the close of the season inviting nominations for each office and for membership of the Committee. No nominations will be considered after the last day of play. Canvassing by or on behalf of any candidate for offices shall render the candidature void.
The Management Committee shall meet twice a year or as often as may be necessary and meetings may be convened at any time by the President and General Secretary or through the General Secretary on request of three members of the Committee. (Five to form a quorum).
The Green Ranger may be invited to attend when considered necessary.
A Special General Meeting of the Club may be called at any time at the discretion of the Management Committee or by the General Secretary on receiving a notice requesting him or her to do so (such notice to be signed by ten members). Each member of the Club to have fourteen days’ notice specifying the purpose of such meeting. (Twenty members to form a quorum).
The Annual General Meeting shall be held within three months of the close of the Bowls season for the election of Officers and Management Committee, to pass audited accounts for the year, to elect Auditors for the ensuing year, to attend to the general business of the Club. (Twenty members to form a quorum). A copy of the Accounts and notice of Meeting to be forwarded to each member at least fourteen days before the Annual General Meeting.
At the Annual General or Special General Meeting each member shall be entitled to one vote. Decisions shall be by a simple majority of votes from those full members attending the Meeting. In the event of equal votes the Chairperson shall be entitled to a casting vote.
6.4.1 VOTING
Voting by proxy to be allowed on specific propositions where members cannot attend meetings (AGM 2010)
Members shall pay an annual subscription of an amount agreed at the Annual General Meeting and new members at the discretion of the Committee shall pay a joining fee. This shall be due on or before 1st April. Failing a satisfactory explanation, members not renewing their subscription by 7th April may be required to seek re-election. Subscriptions of members elected after the 1st June shall be on a pro-rata basis. Members who become unable to play may, at the discretion of the Committee, be invited to join as Social Members at a fee to be decided by the Committee. Social membership does not include voting rights.
All monies proper to the Club received by the Treasurer shall be banked in the name of the Club. Any two of the President, Treasurer and Secretary are authorised to draw on the accounts of the Club to meet Club commitments.
Disputes which may arise on the green shall be referred to the section Captains or Vice Captains or, in their absence, any Committee members who are present whose decision shall be final.
Unless otherwise specified Club dress will be as follows:
White tops and grey trousers except for weekend matches and Bank Holidays when white trousers will be worn. For roll ups men also have the option of regulation grey shorts with grey or white socks.
White tops and white skirts, trousers, or cropped trousers except for roll ups when greys will be worn.
Usual dress code except for finals which should be whites.
If any member shall wilfully infringe any of the rules or act in a manner prejudicial to the interest of the Club the case shall be considered by the Management Committee. The member concerned shall be afforded an opportunity of submitting either in writing or personal appearance before the Management Committee any evidence on his/her behalf. The Management Committee shall thereafter consider all the evidence and shall have the power to suspend or exclude any member if such action would be to the interest of the Club. The member concerned shall be notified immediately of the Management Committee’s final decision. In the event of any member being suspended or excluded he/she shall not be entitled to any refund of subscription in respect of the unexpired portion of the season.
Entrance fees for all competitions and the closing dates for entries shall be decided by the Committee, due notice being given to members. The Captain and Vice-Captain of both sections shall be responsible for selection of match teams and assessing members’ handicaps for relevant competitions. Matches and competitions shall be played according to the relevant rules.
A Bar Committee consisting of two members shall be appointed from within the existing Committee. They shall have the responsibility for the purchase for the Club and the supply by the Club of alcohol.
The Club opening hours will be as decided by the Committee as appropriate for the bowling and social programmes.
The sale of alcohol shall be restricted to members and their guests and to members of visiting teams. No alcohol shall be sold to any person under the age of eighteen.
No rules may be altered or deleted except by a two thirds majority of members voting at the Annual General Meeting, or a Special General Meeting convened for such purpose; prior notice of at least fourteen days being given to members. Proposed alterations or additions must be submitted in writing to the Secretary by 1st September and will be printed in the notice of Agenda.
Any matters not provided for in these Rules to be left entirely in the hands of the Committee, who are empowered to frame any regulations or instructions.
17.1 If at any General Meeting of the Club, a resolution be passed calling for the dissolution of the Club the Secretary shall immediately convene a Special General Meeting of the Club to be held not less than one month thereafter to discuss and vote on the resolution.
17.2 If at that Special General Meeting the resolution is carried by at least two thirds of the full members present at the meeting the General Committee shall thereupon, or at such date as shall have been specified in the resolution, proceed to realise the assets of the Club and discharge all debts and liabilities of the Club.
17.3 After discharging all debts and liabilities of the Club, any net proceeds shall be transferred (AGM 2022) to one or more of the following entities:
a) A Club or Clubs with similar sports purposes which is/are a charity and/or;
b) A Club or Clubs with similar sports purposes which is/are a registered CASC and/or;
c) A suitable Charity for use by them for general community sports
Seven Kings Bowling Club (SKBC)
Seven Kings Park
Aldborough Road South
020-8501-0304 or mobile 077-8749-7328
✉ query@skbc.uk | www.skbc.uk