SKBC – Competition Bylaws

Competition Bylaws and Rules (Revised 2001/2006)


a) Competitors must be bone fide Club Members and have paid their annual subscription.

b) Bowls of all competitors must bear the official I.BB. stamp and year of stamping in accordance with I.B.B. Rules.

c) All tournaments shall be played under the Essex County Bowling Association’s Competition Byelaws and Regulations except as hereinafter provided.

d) The draw for all competitions shall be made by the Committee at a time and venue to be decided by them, due notice being given to members to enable them to be present.

e) The Competition Secretary shall draw up a timetable listing the last dates of each round of every competition. The Committee shall appoint a Steward to regulate each competition. In single-handed competitions the competitor appearing first in the draw shall be responsible for obtaining a Marker and ensuring that the tie is completed by the set date. In team competitions the Skip of the team appearing first in the draw shall be responsible for arranging the game. The responsible player in each tie shall enter in the book provided the agreed date, and time, and when doing so the Marker’s name, if applicable. No game shall be played without a marker. The opponent may claim the game if the responsible player fails to provide a marker. Should it not be possible to arrange the time by the set date, the responsible player shall inform the Competition Steward.

The Competition Steward shall take the appropriate action which shall include the power to appoint, if necessary, a reserve for (Pairs, Triples) and to exclude player or players failing to meet the competition requirement, but will be unable to grant extensions, except through bereavement, serious illness, or special unforeseen circumstances, after consulting with the Competition Secretary. Players do not have the right to call in reserves or book a rink number of their own choice. Greenkeepers or any Committee member present on the day of the competition will draw the rink number to be played on and enter the rink number on the match-cards, except for County games.

f) If, after the draw has been made in accordance with ByeLaw (d), any entrant in the Pairs is unable to compete in the first round, the competition Secretary/Steward are empowered to introduce another player, such player to take the place of the retiring competitor for the day only. If any competitor in the Triples is unable to compete on the fixed opening date of this competition, the Competition Secretary/Steward are empowered to introduce a substitute for that day only.

In the event of a competitor in the Pairs/Triples being unable through illness or other sufficient cause, to play in the second or succeeding rounds, the Competition Secretary/Steward may provide a substitute of similar handicap, and in the event of a competitor not bothering to play in said competitions (Pairs/Triples) the Competition Secretary/Steward will enter a substitute player for the duration of that competition.

g) A notice shall be displayed by the Green Ranger or other responsible officer indicating the Competition(s) to be played.

h) The scorecard must be signed by the losing competitor in a single-handed game or skip in the Pairs/Triples and must be handed to one of the Secretaries or Green Ranger immediately after each game.

i) Should rain or any other circumstance interfere with a competition, the game must be completed on the same rink. If this is impossible the Green Ranger or other responsible officer must be notified.

j) Competitors shall not play on the green prior to playing in a competition on that day unless the earlier play is in an event sanctioned by the Committee.

k) In the event of a dispute between members in connection with Club competitions, both sides shall have access to the Committee when the case comes before them for adjudication.

Tossing for competition games is prohibited.

l) Handicaps

The lower handicapped player to score 21 shots.  The higher handicapped player shall score 21 shots plus the handicap difference.

m) Should a dispute or misunderstanding of the Rules occur, the player or players first contacts the Steward of the game. If he or she is unable to decide, they go to the Competition Secretary. If he is unable to decide the dispute it will go before the President who has the overall responsibility for enforcing these Byelaws, or in his absence a Committee Member delegated to act for him shall make the final decision.

n) Markers

Singles and Mixed Singles shall not be marked by the husband or wife of the players unless mutually agreed by both players. For all finals the Competition Secretary will decide the order of play and arrange for Markers where necessary. The Marker must be accepted by all players.

Members that are unable to play their finals due  to family bereavement, or illness, are now to be allowed to carry it over to the new season, but this must be played in the first 2 weeks.

o) A Steward will be appointed by the Committee for each competition who will be responsible to see that all games in his or her competition are played by the date allocated (extensions – see section ‘e’)

To make sure that all competitors comply with competition rules.

To settle any dispute on the green within the competition (see section ‘m’).

To find reserves if needed, these reserves would be unable to be used again in another team of the same competition. To make sure the winner(s) name(s) is/are put forward on the competition sheet.

To discover why, if walkovers should appear on match sheets.

p) All finals will be played during the second weekend of September commencing Friday afternoon at 2 pm. Any finalists unable to play on these dates will automatically forfeit their match.



Championship (Single-handed, Mixed)

The Championship competition is open to all male Members who have not entered the Championship competition of any other Bowls Club.

The winner is the first to reach 21 points.

The Champion and the Runner-up are invited to play in the Ilford Recorder sponsored “Dane Bowl” in the following season. This competition is contested by the 18 Champions and Runners-up of all Clubs in Group 5.

Winner: Shield presented by GWH Westhrop

Runner-up: Alderman GR Davy.


Handicap (Single-handed, Mixed)

Each game shall consist of 21 points when players have equal handicaps, where this is not the case the lowest handicapped player has to score 21 points before the other player scores 21 plus the handicap difference


Club Pairs (Mixed)

All games consist of 21 ENDS. This is a handicap competition, and the handicap differences are taken into account. Each player uses 4 woods.

The competition is open to all male Members; players are paired so that handicaps of teams are equalised.

Winners: Cups presented by WH Stevens & Alderman GR Davy.


Fixed Jack (Mixed)

The game is played to 85 points, if a player reaches 8%oints during an end the end must be completed. Sudden Death ends are used to determine “drawn” matches. After each end has been played points are awarded as follows: The Bowl nearest the Jack – 4 points; the next nearest – 3 points; the next – 2 points; and the 4th wood earns 1 point.

Each player uses 4 woods.

At the first end the Jack is placed 12ft from the front ditch. The position is marked by a Golf Tee. The mat is placed at its minimum distance.

At the second end the Jack is centred 76ft from the ditch and again the position is marked by a Golf Tee.

All “odd” ends are played as the first, all “even’? ends as the second.

Should the Jack be dislodged from the Golf Tee during play the Marker shall replace it on the peg. If the peg is covered by a wood the Jack shall be placed directly in front of the wood covering the peg.

The Jack shall be replaced on the peg when the peg is exposed. If both players attain a score of 85 after all woods have been delivered and counted, an extra end will be played. Then when all those woods have been played the shot wood only will determine the winner. The competition cannot be played without a Marker.

Winner: Cup presented by GW Stroud.


The Two Wood Competition (Single-handed, Mixed)

Winner is first to 21 points. Open to all male Members. JH Adams.

Winner: Cup Presented by JH Adams



The Allington Jubilee Trophy (Single-handed)

This is a special 2 wood half-day competition open to all Members. Each Member is guaranteed a minimum of three games.

Winner: Trophy presented by CW Allington


The John Newman Trophy (Pairs)

This is a game of 3 sets of 7 shots or 7 ends, whichever comes first. The final will be played over 5 sets. Each player has 2 woods. This is a one-day competition with the final being played on Finals Day.

Winners: Cups donated by the John Newman family & SKBC


The Presidents Invitation Trophy (Single-handed) Played under Championship Rules and entry is restricted to members who have not won a Club Competition within this Club or any other Club during the preceding three years and who receive an invitation from the President. Trophy GR Lucas.


Club Triples (Mixed)

All games consist of 18 ends. This is a handicap competition, and the handicap differences are taken into account. Each player has 3 woods. This competition is open to all Members.

Teams will be seeded to include one lady Member and be of equal handicaps if possible.

Winners: Cups presented by J Bacon and D Henderson.



Championship (Single-handed)

The Championship Competition is open to all lady Members who have not entered the Championship Competition of any other Bowls Club

The winner is the first person to reach 21 points. Winner: Cup donated by Arthur Gingell