Competition Rules (Revised: June 2010)

Management Committee:
John Dulieu: President, Barley Bowls Club
Roy Wilson: Match Secretary, Barley Bowls Club
Tarbard Shield Match Secretary:
Roy Wilson
313 Crow Lane
RM7 OHH Tel: 01708 768858
- The competition will be called the Tarbard Shield. The Barley Bowls Club are the custodians of the competition and participation in the competition shall be by the invitation of The Barley Bowls Club.
- The competition shall comprise of 6 (six) Clubs, each Club will play a ‘Home’ and an ‘Away’ match against each of the participating Clubs.
- All matches will commence at 2.30 p.m. and they will be played on any week day, i.e. Monday to Friday.
- Each Club team will consist of 3 (three) Rinks of 4 players per rink who shall be members of that Club.
- Age restriction will be 60 years of age and over providing the Player(s) have reached their 60th birthday before the start of the current season. Players DO NOT have to be retired.
- Match scores will be compiled as follows: i) 2 (two) points will be awarded for each winning rink. In the event of a tie, one point will be awarded to each Club; ii) 1 (one) point will be awarded to the overall
match winner. [NOTE:]Failure to attend as a Team within 30 minutes of the due time will result in the forfeiture of the game to the opponents who will be awarded 7 points and 12 shots. League placings will be on a points basis. In the event of Clubs having equal points the placings will be determined by the ‘shot difference’.
- In the event of the Club failing to provide a complete Rink or Rinks due to absence of not more than two players they will forfeit 25% of their score on each incomplete rink. The lead and the second player on the incomplete rink(s) will bowl three bowls each and the skip will bowl two bowls. Alternatively, a Club may play a maximum of two lady bowlers (one per rink) in a match which might otherwise result in cancellation or concession
- If owing to bad weather or any unforeseen
circumstances the Captains mutually agree to ABANDON the Match after play has commenced and where it is NOT possible to continue the Match at a later date, the Points and Shots will be awarded in accordance with the score at the cessation of play providing that at least 30 ends have been played. Where less than 30 ends have been played each Club will be awarded 1 Point and the shots difference will be taken into account.
- In the event of any circumstances arising which are not covered by these rules the decision will be in accordance with the ‘Laws of the Game’ as specified by the EBA.
- Result cards will be forwarded by the winning Club to the Match Secretary of The Barley Bowls Club after each match. The Captain(s) will sign each score card.
- Should a Club withdraw from the competition during the playing season all results against that Club will be expunged and the League Table will be amended accordingly.
- In the event of any disputes between Clubs or any question arising concerning the interpretation of any of the rules, the decision of The Barley Bowls Club Management Committee will be final and binding on all Clubs.
- The Barley Bowls Club shall determine the entry fee annually, this fee to be paid at the commencement of the bowling season.
- The Club who are the winners of the Competition will host a Presentation game on their green on the last Wednesday in September of that season. One rink from each of the participating Clubs will be invited to play in this game at which the Tarbard Shield will be presented to the winning Captain by an Officer of the Barley Bowls Club.
- The Tarbard Shield trophy cannot be won outright and it will remain the property of The Barley Bowls Club.The winning Club will return the Tarbard Shield trophy to The Barley Bowls Club at the end of July following the year in which they won it.
- The Barley Bowls Club will provide the winning Club with a perpetual trophy.
Cranbrook Park
Seven Kings
St. Chads